Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Model Maddness

Hello again everyone! It’s been a little while! I was unable to post last week due to an overwhelming amount of homework. I managed to get most of it done thankfully, but something I learned while working on RIT’s Augmented Reality Golf Project last year was that when you get crunched for time you have to make decisions about what to get done and what to put aside. That being said, I am fully prepared to make up for it this week, right now as I will be sharing my thoughts on two 3D modeling processes. The first of which is the method I generally prefer and use, and the second is a new 3D modeling method I recently tried out in my Poly and Sub D modeling class.

My teacher for Poly and Sub D recently shared his modeling method with the class and I thought I should try it out for myself. Being different from what I am used to doing and the first time I tried it I made a lot of mistakes. But in these situations I find that making mistakes is great because you learn so much more. And boy did I learn a lot! So since I owe everyone two observations and not just one I thought, why not go over both so that I can compare and contrast and share my thoughts on what I learned.

So without further ado, I give you BOX MODELING!

Box Modeling is a very well known and basic modeling method that as the name suggests begins with a box!
From that box, you then add in edge loops as needed so that you can make out the basic shape of your model in the front and side orthographic views. You then move and adjust the vertices and edges to shape out your desired object from that starting box.

So for example in you were modeling a head, you would add in horizontal edge loops where you want the forehead to curve, at the brow, at the top and bottom of the eyes and nose, and where the mouth will be placed. You would then add vertical edge loops to the front of the face in the center of the face, where the center of the eyes will be. As well as vertical edge loops on the side of the face where the edge of the eyes, cheek, and brow are, where the jaw is, where the ear attaches, and where the base of the skull attaches to the neck. You would then shape out the profile of the face (excluding the nose) by moving the vertices in the side orthographic view. Once you have the profile you would adjust the interior vertices to get an edge flow that mimics the basic curves of the face. Once the Side view is complete you would then repeat the process in the front view, and switch back and forth, adding more edges loops as needed, until you no longer have a box but a face!

I like box modeling because it comes very naturally to me and allows me to plan my model out from start to finish. I am able to visualize where edge loops should go and how they flow as I work.

The new method I tried is quite different from box modeling, and is a very interesting form of patch modeling. It starts with blocking out your entire model with primitives, details and all. They can overlap and intersect and what ever else you need them to do to give you the ship you want.  You then combine all those shapes into one model, put it on a layer and make it live. Then you use the create polygon tool to literally draw out the different sections of your model, planning the number of vertices so that all the sections can be merged together in the end. With the split polygon tool you would go through and draw out the edge flow in each polygon section you create and snap the different vertices to the model you blocked out and made live. Slowly you build your model section by section and attach them together, similar to fitting together a puzzle.  The purpose for modeling this way is so that you can easily model the details into a the geometry as you go without having to add in edge loops later and adjust topology so that you have enough geometry.

I think this an excellent method for modeling very detailed pieces of geometry, however I found it was much more difficult for me to visualize the edge flow of my model with out having the entire shape of it. It was harder for me to plan my model since I could only see the pieces I had done and was still building the actual shape. Another difficulty is knowing how many vertices to use when you are starting because that will determine the number of vertices available in the rest of the model. I think the biggest thing I learned from trying this is that different methods have different advantages, and that it’s better to use a combination of methods rather than sticking to one the entire way through.  And while the new method is successful in many ways I found it to be really boring.  I didn’t feel like I was solving problems or being creative because I was following my blocked model the whole time, just snapping vertices to it, it was rather monotonous and I found myself trying to find excuses to work on other homework instead of my model because it wasn’t really fun. But that is definitely a personal opinion of it and not so much a technical one, so who knows, other people might find it a very exciting way to model.

 How do you like to model? Feel free to share your own thoughts and modeling methods in the comments!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ode To The Character

It’s time for a character analysis! What fun!
About a month or two ago, a friend of mine shared the following music video on their facebook wall;

Knowing how she has a habbit of finding unusual videos and music I decided to watch and see what it was.  What I found was an unusually unattractive, pudgy, and overly sexual 3D animated character dancing around in a music video filled with bright colors and catchy music.  Yet as weirded out as I was by the character, I was instantly draw to her and ended up watching the music video some four to five times in a row. 
What I like most about the character, aside from how unexplainably adorable she is, is the fact that her appearance tells you so much about her. I think that character that are done really well are ones that can tell a whole story simply by being there.
So what do I mean by all this? Well let me break it down for you:

Her eyes are by far my favorite part. They say so much about who she is, her emotional state, and her desire. The dripping of her make-up from the over application of it or perhaps even from tears gives her an appearance of desperation. The lines on her eyes, although most-likely due to her stylization add to her frustrated appearance. 

The plump pear-like shape of her body shows that she’s most likely not the most attractive girl but her dress tells of how desperately she is striving to reach standards of beauty.  She’s dressed up to go out, to look hot,  and to have fun.

He wide, round, face and stubby arms and legs give her a cute and loveable appearance. Although her body shape is slightly disturbing it is done in a more inviting nature, reminiscent of the pillsburry dough-boy. Her colors are soft, warm, and inviting.  The viewer is drawn to her because she is unique, and different.

 Overall she is an almost instantly loveable character, or she was at least for me. I’d like to encourage anyone who agrees or disagrees to leave a comment telling me why. As always I am open to suggestions and the sharing the opinions so if you have something to say leave a comment and let me know!

Until next time!