Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ode To The Character

It’s time for a character analysis! What fun!
About a month or two ago, a friend of mine shared the following music video on their facebook wall;

Knowing how she has a habbit of finding unusual videos and music I decided to watch and see what it was.  What I found was an unusually unattractive, pudgy, and overly sexual 3D animated character dancing around in a music video filled with bright colors and catchy music.  Yet as weirded out as I was by the character, I was instantly draw to her and ended up watching the music video some four to five times in a row. 
What I like most about the character, aside from how unexplainably adorable she is, is the fact that her appearance tells you so much about her. I think that character that are done really well are ones that can tell a whole story simply by being there.
So what do I mean by all this? Well let me break it down for you:

Her eyes are by far my favorite part. They say so much about who she is, her emotional state, and her desire. The dripping of her make-up from the over application of it or perhaps even from tears gives her an appearance of desperation. The lines on her eyes, although most-likely due to her stylization add to her frustrated appearance. 

The plump pear-like shape of her body shows that she’s most likely not the most attractive girl but her dress tells of how desperately she is striving to reach standards of beauty.  She’s dressed up to go out, to look hot,  and to have fun.

He wide, round, face and stubby arms and legs give her a cute and loveable appearance. Although her body shape is slightly disturbing it is done in a more inviting nature, reminiscent of the pillsburry dough-boy. Her colors are soft, warm, and inviting.  The viewer is drawn to her because she is unique, and different.

 Overall she is an almost instantly loveable character, or she was at least for me. I’d like to encourage anyone who agrees or disagrees to leave a comment telling me why. As always I am open to suggestions and the sharing the opinions so if you have something to say leave a comment and let me know!

Until next time!

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