Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mama Mia!

As I mentioned before I am using this blog primarily to fulfill my assignments for Project Planning. One of the assignments I am required to fulfill each week is note taking.

I need to take both visual and textual notes on any movies, TV shows, games, or live performances that I happen to observe as well as notes on any processes I observe.

So without further a-do, I present the process of making a pizza! Hopefully this won’t make anyone too hungry, although just thinking about it is already making my mouth water.

First all the ingredients and necessary utensils are gathered: Pizza crust mix, water, oil, tomato sauce, pre-grated cheese, pre-sliced pepperoni, olive oil, a pizza pan, a mixing bowl, a pizza cutter, and finally a Wisk for mixing. The oven is then turned on to 450˙ to pre-heat. While the oven is preheating, the pizza pan is oiled with olive oil and the pizza crust mix and 2 cups of water are placed in the mixing bowl. The contents of the bowl are then mixes until soft dough is formed at which point the dough is kneaded by hand. Once the oven is pre-heated the dough is then rolled out to fit on the pan and placed in the oven. The crust is then cooked for 15 minutes and removed from the oven. A little olive oil is sprinkled on the crust and then tomato sauce is spread over it, leaving about 3/4 “ of uncovered crust on the edges. The cheese is then spread out over the tomato sauce, with more around the edges than in the middle because the cheese will melt and spread out on its own. Before placing what can now be called a, “pizza,” back in the oven, half of it is topped off with the sliced pepperoni. The pizza is then put back in the oven and cooked for another 10-15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Once ready, the pizza needs to be removed from the oven and let to cool for about 5 minutes. After cooling it is sliced with the pizza cutter and ready to serve, yum!

I both watched and helped my roommates make this pizza for dinner last Sunday night. It was pretty exciting for me since I have never made a pizza from scratch before. I also don’t consider myself much of a cook so learning to make new things is always fun.

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