Sunday, September 4, 2011

Orderly Introductions

First post! How exciting!

I believe Introductions are in order.

My name is Madeleine Rabil, but most people call me, “Mad,” or “Maddie.” To be honest, everyone seems to call me something different, so all you really have to worry about is making sure I know you’re talking to me.

I am from, and officially live in, Maryland. But during the school year I live in Rochester, New York, and attend school at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). I am currently studying 3D graphics at RIT. Once I finish my studies at RIT, I hope to enter the video game industry as a 3D artist.

One of the biggest things anyone should know about me, aside from the fact that I am keenly interested in 3D and other digital graphics, is that my background is in traditional art. In fact, prior to college I had absolutely no knowledge or experience in the 3D digital arts. Because of this my portfolio, which can be found at, consists of both traditional 2D artwork and 3D renders.

And for the finishing touch, I’d like to share one last thing.

This is my most recent painting. Done for enjoyment.
It is acrylic on a 16”x20” canvas. Took roughly 8 hours to complete.
It’s more of an experimental piece for me, since I played around a lot with water and dripping effects. All of which are not something I generally use in my workflow, so it was a very new and refreshing experience for me as a painter.

And now that my introductions are over, I would like to invite all of you who are reading this to leave a comment and make some introductions of your own!
Questions and other comments are welcome of course so feel free to leave one of those instead.

Until next time!

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